V7 to V8 Differences
SRSE Structural Differences
Here are the five main structural differences from SRSE in V7 to V8:
Repeating groups are now formatted in JSON.
Columns with type DOUBLE are now precise to 9 decimal places.
Time, DateTime, and Timestamp columns now include microseconds. For example, the value for a DateTime column myDateTime would be in the format 2025-01-05 11:20:36.123456. Previously, we would have had two columns with the value of the first column being 2025-01-05 11:20:36 and then a second column named myDateTime_us had the microseconds 123456.
Varying-length text fields are now represented with TINYTEXT and TEXT types. The TINYTEXT fields have a max size of 255 characters and the TEXT fields have a max size of 10,000 characters.
We are now using Hexadecimal formatting for ParentNumber, ClOrdId, GroupingCode, and RiskGroupId fields. These have 16 Hex characters and each four characters are separated by a dash like: 0000-0000-0000-0000. The MariaDB type for these fields is CHAR(19).
Historical archives are organized and accessible based on product and date, with access tailored to each user's specific ClientFirm. Rather than accessing the specfic database srproduct_clientFirm_date, users with the necessary permissions can view the archives through a centralized database, srproduct_date.
V7 Deprecated Tables
Listed below are all deprecated tables in V7 that will either (a) not appear in V8 (highlighted in red) or (b) have been modified in V8 (highlighted in yellow):
V7 Table | V8 Table | Note |
sranalytics.msglivesurfaceadj | Columns have been split between msgLiveSurfaceCurve and msgLiveAtmVol | |
sranalytics.msglivesurfacecomposite | N/A | Deprecated |
sranalytics.msglivesurfacegrid | Renamed to msgLiveSurfaceFixedGrid | |
sranalytics.msglivesurfaceterm | Replaced with msgLiveSurfaceFixedGrid | |
sranalytics.msgoptionimpliedquote | N/A | Deprecated |
sranalytics.msgoptionimpliedquoteadj | Renamed to msgLiveImpliedQuoteAdj | |
sranalytics.msgsrdiscretedividend | Replaced with msgGlobalDividends | |
srauction.msgsrauctionmarkup | Merged into msgAuctionPrint (now in SRTrade) | |
srauction.msgsrauctionresult | Merged into msgAuctionPrint (now in SRTrade) | |
srcontrol.msgaltaccountroute | N/A | Deprecated |
srcontrol.msgclientfacilitationctrl | N/A | Deprecated |
srcontrol.msgmarrestrictedlist | N/A | Deprecated |
srcontrol.msgsrfutureriskcontrol | Merged into msgSrRiskControl | |
srcontrol.msgsrfutureriskrecord | Merged into msgSrRiskControl | |
srcontrol.msgsrriskrecord | Merged into msgSrRiskControl | |
srcontrol.msguserriskcontrol | Merged into msgSrRiskControl | |
srcontrol.msguserriskrecord | Merged into msgSrRiskControl | |
srcontrol.msgusersymriskcontrol | Merged into msgSrRiskControl | |
srcontrol.msgusersymriskrecord | Merged into msgSrRiskControl | |
srlive.msgoptionatmvolprobability | N/A | Deprecated |
srlive.msgsrliquidityrequest | Merged into msgAuctionNotice (now in SRTrade) | |
srrisk.msgaccountclearingrecord | N/A | Deprecated |
srrisk.msgaccountriskrecord | Renamed to msgAccountRiskRecordV5 | |
srrisk.msgaccountriskrecordv4 | Merged into msgAccountRiskRecordV5 (same as above) | |
srrisk.msgclearingexasrecord | N/A | Deprecated |
srrisk.msgcorpactionrecord | N/A | Deprecated |
srrisk.msgexerciseassignmentrecord | N/A | Deprecated |
srrisk.msgexpirationriskrecord | Renamed to msgExpirationRiskRecordV5 | |
srrisk.msgfutureclearingrecord | Merged into msgSODClearingRecordV5 | |
srrisk.msgfuturehedgesummary | N/A | Deprecated |
srrisk.msgfuturepositionrecord | Renamed to msgFuturePositionRecordV5 | |
srrisk.msgfuturepositionrecordv4 | Merged into msgFuturePositionRecordV5 (same as above) | |
srrisk.msgfuturerisksummary | Renamed to msgFutureRiskSummaryV5 | |
srrisk.msgfuturerisksummaryv4 | Merged into msgFutureRiskSummaryV5 (same as above) | |
srrisk.msgindustryriskrecord | Renamed to msgIndustryRiskRecordV5 | |
srrisk.msgoptionclearingrecord | Merged into msgSODClearingRecordV5 | |
srrisk.msgoptionpositionrecord | Renamed to msgOptionPositionRecordV5 | |
srrisk.msgoptionpositionrecordv4 | Merged into msgOptionPositionRecordV5 (same as above) | |
srrisk.msgproductrisksummaryv4 | Renamed to msgProductRiskSummaryV5 | |
srrisk.msgriskcubedetail | Renamed to msgRiskCubeDetailV5 | |
srrisk.msgstockclearingrecord | Merged into to msgSODClearingRecordV5 | |
srrisk.msgstockpositionrecord | Renamed to msgStockPositionRecordV5 | |
srrisk.msgstockpositionrecordv4 | Merged into msgStockPositionRecordV5 (same as above) | |
srrisk.msgsymbolhedgesummary | N/A | Deprecated |
srrisk.msgsymbolriskdetail | Renamed to msgSymbolRiskDetailV5 | |
srrisk.msgsymbolrisksummary | Renamed to msgSymbolRiskSummaryV5 | |
srrisk.msgsymbolrisksummaryv4 | Merged into msgSymbolRiskSummaryV5 (same as above) | |
srtrade.msgauctionstrategyordergateway | N/A | Deprecated |
srtrade.msgsrauctionaccntresponse | N/A | Deprecated |
srtrade.msgsrauctionstrategyorder | Split into four auto-responder strategies. See Auction Auto-Responders for more info. | |
srtrade.msgsrauctionstrategystate | Split into four auto-responder strategies. See Auction Auto-Responders for more info. | |
srtrade.msgoptorderreplacegateway | Merged into msgOptOrderGateway | |
srtrade.msgsrfutbrkrevent | Merged into msgSrParentBrkrEvent | |
srtrade.msgsrfutbrkrstate | Merged into msgSrParenBrkrState | |
srtrade.msgsroptbrkrevent | Merged into msgSrParentBrkrEvent | |
srtrade.msgsroptbrkrstate | Merged into msgSrParentBrkrState | |
srtrade.msgsrstkbrkrevent | Merged into msgSrParentBrkrEvent | |
srtrade.msgsrstkbrkrstate | Merged into msgSrParentBrkrState | |
srtrade.msgtradecubedetail | Moved to srrisk.msgTradeCubeDetailV5 |